Simon Bonnell

Simon is a Senior Project Manager with over 30 years of broad-based experience in the offshore industry. For the past 15 years he has managed multi-discipline teams responsible for the permitting (EIA, applications, consultations and compliance) for major infrastructure projects; most recently as Head of Permitting for Nord  Stream 2. Previously, he has managed the offshore surveys and geohazard assessments for major infrastructure projects worldwide.


Simon is a strong leader with good communication skills and the sensitivity necessary to effectively develop and coordinate large international multi-discipline teams in a fast track and sensitive environment.  His project life cycle knowledge is based on experience in concept development at the desk study level, through survey management and geohazard assessment at the engineering phase to project implementation and operation. He has worked with project developers, offshore engineering and survey consultancies, and as a contractor holding key roles in notable projects including Nord Stream 2Nord Stream and C-Lion (Baltic); BlueStream (Black Sea); Trans-Med, GALSI,  Straights of Gibraltar and Scarab / Saffron (Mediterranean), Malampaya (Philippines) and various projects in the Gulf of Mexico. 


His particular strength is the balance of technical knowledge and regulatory experience which is valued when developing and implementing projects in complex international and multicultural environments.  Simon has a BSc in Engineering Geology and Geotechnics.

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