Trond Gjedrem

Trond holds a Master of Science (MSc) degree in Offshore Engineering / Naval Architecture (NTNU) and also a MBA in Shipping Management (NHH). 

He started his career in early 1990's in the certification industry, where he was responsible for the assessment and certification of technical safety of offshore pipelines and other offshore installation, both at DNV in Norway and later at Germanischer Lloyd in Germany. The work involved pipeline projects like Europipe I and Europipe II between Norway and Germany, but also numerous other offshore pipeline projects in UAE, Egypt, Mexico North Sea and Baltic Sea.

Later in 2006 Trond joined the Nord Stream Project from the early beginning, where he worked as Engineering and Materials Manager until 2013. Other Projects like South Stream / Turk Stream and Trans Adriatic Pipeline followed, and when Nord Stream 2 was launched in 2015 , Trond and the rest of the StreamTec Team decided to become part of this Project too, in similar management roles as held during the first Nord Stream Project.

The two parallel pipelines of Nord Stream 2 Project were completed in 2021, and Trond then started to focus his attention on offshore hydrogen pipelines and the challenges this new industry faces.

One challenge for offshore hydrogen pipelines is the lack of codes and standards, hence Tronds participation in DNVs Joint Industry ProjectH2Pipe” is important, as this work will result in the first offshore pipeline code for hydrogen pipelines. Another challenge are material issues and the potential detrimental effects from hydrogen on steel, and how to safely re-purpose existing natural pipelines for hydrogen transport. These are subjects where Trond and other engineers in StreamTec have gained expertise and experience, and which will be continuously developed the coming years.

In August 2022, Trond developed the technical concept for the 48” OAL pipeline, and he is now deputy project manager and also responsible for material and engineering related issues in this ultra-fast-track project, which took only 16 months from concept development till completion. The OAL pipeline is foreseen to be used for LNG import, however also for import of hydrogen to Germany in the future, and is hence regarded as a vital infrastructure to assure the energy supply to Germany.

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