Baltic Hydrogen Collector (BHC) and 

Nordic Baltic Hydrogen Corridor (NBHC)

Gasgrid award Framework agreement for planning cooperation. Hydrogen transmission infrastructure Plans in the Baltic Sea continue.


November 19, 2024


Gasgrid, the Finnish Gas TSO, has selected StreamTec Solutions AG as Gasgrid’s Owners Engineering partner to support development of hydrogen transmission infrastructure projects in the Baltic Sea.


Helsinki, Finland:  Gasgrid has awarded StreamTec Solutions AG (STS) a Framework contract for Owners Engineering (OE) Services to support the development of hydrogen transmission infrastructure projects in the Baltic Sea. These projects are designed to strengthen energy self-sufficiency and to promote the creation of hydrogen economy investments in Finland. 


The Framework contract award is for a minimum of 4 years with options to extend by an additional 4 (2+2) years. The Framework contract will focus around 2 main projects:


The Baltic Sea Hydrogen Collector (BHC) project is exploring the possibilities to build an extensive offshore hydrogen pipeline infrastructure connecting Finland, Sweden and Central Europe to enable the production of clean and sustainable hydrogen to meet Europe’s needs.


The Nordic Baltic Hydrogen Corridor (NBHC) project aims to develop a hydrogen infrastructure from Finland to Germany through Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland by 2030.


Esa Hallivuori Senior Vice President, Infrastructure Projects Gasgrid commented: “The hydrogen economy will improve security of supply and safety in the Baltic Sea region and Europe as a whole, bring much-needed flexibility to the energy system and create new investments and jobs”.


Georg Nowack Project Manager from STS added “We are delighted to be entrusted by Gasgrid to support the development of these prestigious and ambitious infrastructure projects.  This partnership highlights our expertise in delivering innovative projects in the field of hydrogen and offshore construction.”


StreamTec partners Georg Nowack and Lukas Brunnschweiler, with Gasgrid's Esa Hallivuori